Interface AirbyteStream

the immutable schema defined by the source


  • AirbyteStream


defaultCursorField?: string[]

Path to the field that will be used to determine if a record is new or modified since the last sync. If not provided by the source, the end user will have to specify the comparable themselves.

jsonSchema?: StreamJsonSchema
name: string

Stream's name.

namespace?: string

Optional Source-defined namespace. Airbyte streams from the same sources should have the same namespace. Currently only used by JDBC destinations to determine what schema to write to.

sourceDefinedCursor?: boolean

If the source defines the cursor field, then any other cursor field inputs will be ignored. If it does not, either the user_provided one is used, or the default one is used as a backup.

sourceDefinedPrimaryKey?: string[][]

If the source defines the primary key, paths to the fields that will be used as a primary key. If not provided by the source, the end user will have to specify the primary key themselves.

supportedSyncModes?: SyncMode[]

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