Interface OAuth2Specification

An object containing any metadata needed to describe this connector's Oauth flow


  • OAuth2Specification


oauthFlowInitParameters: string[][]

Pointers to the fields in the rootObject needed to obtain the initial refresh/access tokens for the OAuth flow. Each inner array represents the path in the rootObject of the referenced field. For example. Assume the rootObject contains params 'app_secret', 'app_id' which are needed to get the initial refresh token. If they are not nested in the rootObject, then the array would look like this [['app_secret'], ['app_id']] If they are nested inside an object called 'auth_params' then this array would be [['auth_params', 'app_secret'], ['auth_params', 'app_id']]

oauthFlowOutputParameters: string[][]

Pointers to the fields in the rootObject which can be populated from successfully completing the oauth flow using the init parameters. This is typically a refresh/access token. Each inner array represents the path in the rootObject of the referenced field.

rootObject: unknown[]

A list of strings representing a pointer to the root object which contains any oauth parameters in the ConnectorSpecification. Examples: if oauth parameters were contained inside the top level, rootObject=[] If they were nested inside another object {'credentials': {'app_id' etc...}, rootObject=['credentials'] If they were inside a oneOf {'switch': {oneOf: [{client_id...}, {non_oauth_param]}}, rootObject=['switch', 0]

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