Interface OAuthConfigSpecification


  • OAuthConfigSpecification


completeOAuthOutputSpecification?: unknown

OAuth specific blob. This is a Json Schema used to validate Json configurations produced by the OAuth flows as they are returned by the distant OAuth APIs. Must be a valid JSON describing the fields to merge back to ConnectorSpecification.connectionSpecification. For each field, a special annotation path_in_connector_config can be specified to determine where to merge it,


refresh_token: {
type: string,
path_in_connector_config: ['credentials', 'refresh_token']
completeOAuthServerInputSpecification?: unknown

OAuth specific blob. This is a Json Schema used to validate Json configurations persisted as Airbyte Server configurations. Must be a valid non-nested JSON describing additional fields configured by the Airbyte Instance or Workspace Admins to be used by the server when completing an OAuth flow (typically exchanging an auth code for refresh token).


client_id: {
type: string
client_secret: {
type: string
completeOAuthServerOutputSpecification?: unknown

OAuth specific blob. This is a Json Schema used to validate Json configurations persisted as Airbyte Server configurations that also need to be merged back into the connector configuration at runtime. This is a subset configuration of complete_oauth_server_input_specification that filters fields out to retain only the ones that are necessary for the connector to function with OAuth. (some fields could be used during oauth flows but not needed afterwards, therefore they would be listed in the complete_oauth_server_input_specification but not complete_oauth_server_output_specification) Must be a valid non-nested JSON describing additional fields configured by the Airbyte Instance or Workspace Admins to be used by the connector when using OAuth flow APIs. These fields are to be merged back to ConnectorSpecification.connectionSpecification. For each field, a special annotation path_in_connector_config can be specified to determine where to merge it,


client_id: {
type: string,
path_in_connector_config: ['credentials', 'client_id']
client_secret: {
type: string,
path_in_connector_config: ['credentials', 'client_secret']
oauthUserInputFromConnectorConfigSpecification?: unknown

OAuth specific blob. This is a Json Schema used to validate Json configurations used as input to OAuth. Must be a valid non-nested JSON that refers to properties from ConnectorSpecification.connectionSpecification using special annotation 'path_in_connector_config'. These are input values the user is entering through the UI to authenticate to the connector, that might also shared as inputs for syncing data via the connector.


if no connector values is shared during oauth flow, oauth_user_input_from_connector_config_specification=[] if connector values such as 'app_id' inside the top level are used to generate the API url for the oauth flow, oauth_user_input_from_connector_config_specification={ app_id: { type: string path_in_connector_config: ['app_id'] } } if connector values such as 'info.app_id' nested inside another object are used to generate the API url for the oauth flow, oauth_user_input_from_connector_config_specification={ app_id: { type: string path_in_connector_config: ['info', 'app_id'] } }

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